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Dynamic Flotation System 3
The Dynamic Flotation System 3 (DFS3) mattress replacement is a true dynamic system providing effective alternating pressure relief with automatic adjustment to the weight, size and position...
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Details & Specs for Dynamic Flotation System 3
The Dynamic Flotation System 3 (DFS3) mattress replacement is a true dynamic system providing effective alternating pressure relief with automatic adjustment to the weight, size and position of the individual patient, ensuring optimum pressure redistribution and comfort.Since 1989, the DFS Advanced Dynamic Flotation System has been clinically proven to be one of the most effective, comfortable, yet cost efficient, pressure relieving mattress replacement systems used in hospitals and nursing homes throughout the world.
The DFS 3 System effectively relieves pressure below clinically relevant thresholds close to arteriolar, capillary and venule operating pressures nominally at 30, 20 and 10 mmHg for longer periods of time.
This enables blood vessel diameters to remain as large as possible for as long as possible ensuring tissue oxygenation and nutrition are maintained and the removal of toxins is stimulated. Ths aids in the effective prevention and treatment of pressure ulcers.